“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

There is simply no one between you and God as far as communicating with HIM no matter what you may have heard from various church leaders. God expects to fellowship with you directly. Direct fellowship with the FATHER is a big benefit of Jesus that is totally ignored by the church. Why? Use the Bible as your main reference source. Use your network of people to help you understand and clarify God’s Word. This includes the leaders, elders and pastors of your church. However, there can be no compromise on the word of God such as the Ten Commandments. This will represent 90% or more of the Bible to you. Therefore, read the Bible and be confident that God will speak directly to your heart when you open it up to HIM.

God’s Communication Plan
It's You and Jesus The Mediator who both deal directly with God
It is no doubt that those who don’t know HIM feel that HE is only there to spoil the fun. However, those who know HIM understand that HE is the true King of adventure. When I gave God my heart, the fun started to ramp up on earth. The power started to flow and the fellowship, peace and joy became true realities. In this regards there are a couple of extreme points of view in the world of Christianity. There are those who believe that God does imbue believers (HIS people) with extraordinary powers on earth and then there are those who tend to think of the Bible as a book bordering on fiction or of mere philosophy.

I am always amused at those Christians that hold this second point of view of the Bible. They like to embrace the parts of the Bible that speak of

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